Thursday, July 18, 2013

Carry on my...


I am not ashamed.
Anyways...some super talented friends of mine are running a kickstarter for their new comic - you should go check it out:

There are some very cool rewards for backing even small amounts, and of course, the added bonus of supporting artists & writers who are passionate about getting their own work out there.

And if that hasn't sold you already, you may remember the artist on the wayward project, Joey Schichtel, as a contributor to Adventures in Crapville issue #2!

Joey's awesome
ages 10 & 11
From Adventures
in Crapville.
showing me up
in my own book.)

There are also updates/sketches/extras being posted on their sites:
Please go check them out and hopefully help out this cool project!

Annnnd finally, here are some quick sketches I've done while reading Divine Misfortune by A. Lee Martinez, (funny, entertaining book so far - excited to see where the crazy premise is going to take me), to show I've not been a complete waste of space this summer.